
Empower Your Staff to Earn Rewards by Enhancing Their Sustainability Knowledge

Did you know?…

A recent Deloitte survey* found that around half of Gen Zs (54%) and millennials (48%) say they and their colleagues are putting pressure on their employers to take action on climate change; a trend that has steadily increased since 2022, when 48% of Gen Zs and 43% of millennials said the same. If they can’t drive change within their own organisations, some are willing to switch to a different job, or even to a different industry.

Further, when asked to select the top three areas where they’d like to see their employers invest more resources to help fight climate change, Gen Zs and millennials say they want more employee education and training to help them be more sustainable in their own lives (25% of Gen Zs and 29% of millennials), employee subsidies for sustainable choices (25% of Gen Zs and 27% of millennials), and renovating office locations to be greener (19% of Gen Zs and 21% of millennials).

It’a clear that supporting carbon literacy and practical changes among staff should be a crucial part of any ESG agenda.

Introducing Ecowise

Our 12-month, educational program designed to activate your employees as key contributors to a sustainable business future.

EcoWise combines expertly curated sustainability content and quizzes to educate and measure your employees' knowledge. It rewards participation and encourages behaviour change, allowing your organisation to monitor progress and reduce your carbon footprint together.

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